Eastern Redcedar (Juniperus Virginiana)
Uses include as windbreaks for rowcrops, wildlife habitat, and property beautification/privacy. Small evergreen tree, commonly 10 to 40 feet. Important food source for a variety of birds and deer. Distributed throughout the east , and lower and upper midwest.
Available in two seedling plug sizes. For orders over 300 units, please contact for pricing options.
- Active Growth Period: Spring/Summer
- Growth Rate: Moderate
- Mature Height: 25’ (20 years)
- Shade Tolerance: Intermediate
- Lifespan: Moderate
- Root Depth: 20” minimum
- pH Range: 4.5-8.5
- Salinity Tolerance: Moderate
- Live Plug Size: 3-6”
- Live Seedling Size: 8-12”